Hellooooooo Everybody!
Welcome to by blog!
I didn't make a typo. That was me in my normal voice, smiling out loud, cheek to cheek, as I welcome you! It is my goal to post tutorials here for you to learn how to create items you can use around your house, give as gifts, or take with you on a regular basis, throughout your life. Stop by, as I will update in between my classes. You can also check out some of my videos by going to my You Tube channel. I must admit in advance, that it will not be a professional one! I am just getting started and a try beats a failure.
I teach sewing classes to students and they wanted to see tutorials for when they are away from the classroom, in order to get better at their projects. I cannot promise you things will always look great, with bright studio lighting! I have a 10x10 sewing room; of which some of that is craft/art and Cricut space but, I get shadows. Enough about that....
During my week, I teach classes to homeschool students and write curriculum - which I sell on a major platform. I also volunteer at several places. Keeping myself busy is a priority, as it makes me smile and not pout about living in Florida, where I don't want to be! I am a married, mother of 3 children, all of whom have been homeschooled and now that they are bigger, allow me to focus on hobbies and teaching others. You get to reap those rewards!
Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to answering any questions you may have related to the sewing tutorials posted. All items will be sewn by myself! Join me in learning... Get to sewing!
Until next time......